The character that i find the most interesting in this novel is Charles. He not only displys qualities of a typical jock, but also suffers from extreme jealousy and inferiority problems. He typically wins in every game, and event that him and his brother compete in, and is not too sore of a winnter, however he thirves off of it. Adam, however, is inferior to Charles and he is never able to win in any of the mini "competitions" that take place in their day to day routine. One day, however, Adam happens to get lucky and "four times he drove the peewee father than charlies did" (23). and Adam was happy about this defeat, however once he saw the look on Charle's face which was pure anger and "his eyes cold" (23). Charles is fascinating in a bad way because he is not an idol, but more an extremely complex person. He always wins at every game and the one time that hsi brother Adam happend to defeat him was the time he started to beat him unmercifully, to the point of unconsiousness. Charles is interesting here because normally after something like this occurs it is out of the anger that arises in the moment, but in this case "charles was not sorry. he had very simply fufilled himself" (23). This presents the idea that Charles is savage in a way, and does nt comprehend right and wrong, which might be able to be attributed to his upbringing, and the extreme jealousy that he had for the inferior Adam.
I found Adam the most fascinating character in the novel. He was directly related to most of the characters in the book so it was interesting to read about his different relationships with all of his family members. I enjoyed reading and finding out how his relationships grew throughout the book. Steinbeck wrote about how Adam's father was harder on Adam than he was on his his other son Charles. Steinbeck describes what Cyrus thought of his two children, "It was Adam who needed the army to make a man of him. Charles was pretty near a man already."(22). This quote shows that Cyrus was bitter that Adam was not as athletic and manly as Charles.
In East of Eden, Cal fascinated me the most. Though he exhibits an evil nature when he is first introduced, the struggle to make his own choices captivated my interests. While Cathy is certainly an interesting character for her brutal and manipulative attitude, she does not experience much of a change. Cal's ability to move beyond his past actions separates him from his mother and therefore makes him more intriguing. "And in his mind he [Cal] cried, 'Don't let me be mean'"(380). In this quote, Steinbeck reveals Cal's internal wish to be morally decent and to make good decisions. Throughout the novel, Cal battles with various situations in his life such as Adam's predilection of Aron, Cathy's life and influence, and Aron's departure for war. While he does not always make the best choices in life, Cal strives to become a better person and constantly challenges himself to morally succeed. His eagerness to change for the better is both fascinating and refreshing. - Chris Griffey
I think the most fascinating character is Cal. I think he is the deepest and most intense character in the book, and the person who fully appreciates the central theme of "timshel" or the power of choice. In comparasin with Aron, Cal needs to work harder to be good. Aron is naturally good and obedient and does not understand the darker sides of human nature. He is accepted and loved by all. However because of this, I think he does not fully appreciate either the power of choice or the importance of acceptance and love. Throughout the novel, Aron does little to show his affections for others or work for their approval. In fact, he does not even seem to care bout the feelings of others, as shown in his treatment of Abra. He never considers her wants and expects her to go along with him in whatever path he chooses. Cal, on the other hand, does not easily get the acceptance and adoration of others, and works hard to get it. He worked hard to make money for his father. His fathers rejection of his gift hurt him so much it consumed him. This led to him making huge mistakes and hurting the people he loved
"He did a thing in anger, because he thought you had rejected him." (602)
As Lee explains, Cal does not hurt people because he is a malevelent person, but because of rage caused by pain. Ultimetly, his worst mistakes and biggest faults are caused from his depression at not being accepted by others. He only hurts his brother, whom he loves, because he is jealous of him. While jealousy is a dangerous trait, it is very human and shows Cals want to fit in. This makes Cal a fascinating, and relatably character who deserves both pity and pride.
I thought Cathy was the most interesting. She was a scary character..and lashed out irrationally a lot. It made her very unpredictable and surprising. Her whole way of life, as a prostitute, was unconventional and a bit 'on the edge.' That night she showed up to Adam and Charle's door, bloody and beat up was very gruesome and strange. Her character left me with the most questions. She was hard to get, and held a very non-conformist attitude. She was so different in the beginning when she "worked quickly, but without hurry" and "put on an old apron" to do work around the house for her parents (85). Towards the end especially she became so harsh. For example, when she was angry at Adam for not letting her go. It says, "She shot him. The heavy slug struck him in the shoulder and flattened and tour out a piece of his shoulderblade," (200). Her state of mind was always changing and it was very interesting to see what she would do next, never expecting she could do anything worse than what she'd already done..yet somehow, she always did.
I found Cathy the most interesting character in the novel. I thought that when she was first brought up she was not going to have such a significant role, but she stayed constant throughout the entire novel. I really thought Steinbeck put a lot of thought into her character, having her remain "evil" on the inside and on the surface. When the narrator introduces Cathy for the first time the introduction is the perfect way to discribe her on page 72 he says "It is my belief that Cathy Ames was born with the tendencies, or lack of them which drove and forced her all of her life....She was not like other people, never was from birth. And just as a cripple may learn to utilize his lack so that he becomes more effective in a limited field that he uncrippled, so did Cathy, using her difference, make a painful and bewildering stir in her world". Cathy truely does use her differences to her own advantage to hurt and harm all those who come into her life. As bad as she is I really enjoyed when she was brought up in the book.
Nadine, I agree- Cathy completely freaked me out with her diabolical nature (even as a child she was so cold and manipulative- from causing people to commit suicide to murdering her own parents). I kept questioning why she was this way. Part of me believes the fact that the question is never answered is a big fault in this it even possible for a person to be so one-dimensionally evil? I guess Steinbeck would say yes, it is a sort of genetic fault (Chapter 8) to have a "malformed soul"(72). But could it be that simple? In that case is it not Cathy's fault? Is she not fully human? She really made me think about what human is...
The character in East of Eden that I have found most fascinating is Adam. This is because For some reason Adam reminds me of my older brother. I find him interesting because he is forced by his father to join the army. I can relate this to when my brother first went to collage. I almost felt that I was living on my own like Charles was. It is because Adam relates to my brother that I find him fascinating. Just like Charles recieved notes from Adam, I recieve a phone call from my brother every week. "Charles had looked forward to Adam's return after five years. He had painted the house and the barn..." (Steinbeck 52). It is fascinating to see the resemblence between my brother and Adam.
My favorite character throughout the novel is Caleb. My reasons are not solely based off of personality, because he does not have the greatest attitude or actions toward life. Cal was born beside his twin brother Aron, who is superior to him in many ways. Caleb becomes upset because his father favors Aron completely. I chose Caleb because he seems to be deep. There are many things about him, and he is quite dynamic. The word 'timshel' is the central theme of this story, and I believe the main basis involves Cal. He believes he has recieved all evil from his mother and background, and that Aron is perfect. Near the end of the story when his father, Adam passes away, the last words he says to Cal are those of 'timshel'.
The story says, " Cal wanted to throw his arms about his father, to hug him and to be hugged by him. he wanted some wild ddemonstration of sympathy and love."
The pains and weaknesses within Cal force him to struggle, but near the end I believe he realizes what he can do. This makes Caleb the most interesting character to me.
After reading East of Eden, it was Cal that captured my interest the most as a character. When the reader is subjected to his evil nature in the beginning of the book it caught my attenion. Cal attempts to overcome his great struggle in being evil towards a good nature and positive lifestyle, which relates to the central theme of the book, Timshel. I found it interesting how Cal perservered through his beginning struggle towards a better life. Although Cal may not be the best and moral character in the novel, I feel he is the strongest.
I think Lee is the most fascinating character in the novel. He always seemed to be in the middle of all the characters troubles and dilemas. Especially between Aron and Cal. When they were talking to him and letting their fustrations out Lee always gave them great insight and reasoning. He showed characters opposing views and how the other characters might feel. Also Lee was my favorite character because he was so easy going and intuitive. He always had stories or chinese proverbs to go along with characters problems. Lee is fascination also because he is chinese but can speak perfect english. When he meets someone who is rude or he does not like he speaks a mix of chinese and english which the people could not stand. He played mind games with people and knew the results of situations before they occured. Lee's way of life and character traits are all desirable. He was faithful and hardworking. He was in America to make a name for himself and to open a bookshop. He never complained about his job and those are all desirable qualities.
" Haven't you heard all chinese servants that when they get old they remain old they remiain loyal but they turn mean?"
Like Nadine, I also found Cathy to be the most interesting, and also the most disturbing character of the novel (thou they were all incredibly characters). What I found most shocking was her ability to hate, to reject the possibility of good, and to thrive on evil. She was incredibly complex and her power to control people was nearly frightening. In fact, it is a source of great pride to her. Though incredibly devil-like, there was a spark of human qualities in her, in particular the scene where she recalls her childhood and the feeling of being left out, of missing some key element that others had. I think it may have been love. We can learn a bit about Cathy, I think, from looking at Cal who starts to show the same tendencies to manipulate people. We learn that he uses this power to bring himself the hapiness and self love that he lacks. I think that this may be where Cathy's actions stemmed from, but she embraced the evil so wholely that she became blind to good. I have way more to say but I am out of time!!!
I also found Cathy to be this most interesting character, and the one that was most difficult to understand. "If a twisted gene or malformed egg can produce physical monsters, may not the same produce a malformed soul?" I think that this quote completely desribles Cathy's character as a whole. Physically, she is beautiful, and by the looks of her, she does not seem like a monster. But her character is so welcoming of evil throughout her entire life. Her involvement of the murder of her own parents at a young age captures the essence of her pure and undeniable evil. Cathy is prehaps the hardest to understand in the novel, because she feels no remorse for all of her horrible deeds. Even as she is "on her way out", she makes efforts to harm someone else (as she gives away Joe Valery who escaped from prison). Cathy is an interesting character, and one of the most important characters in East of Eden, becuase it helps Steinbeck show how good and evil are results of choice. Had Cathy chosen against sin, her life would have been much different. But the evil of her soul makes her an essential character, because it demonstrates the power of choice.
Sam Hamilton is also an interesting character in the novel. He seems to be the character foil for Adam. He worked hard for the money that he had when he moved to America. Adam inhereted his money from his fater who didn't truely earn it and by inhereting it he didn't have to work for it. It was Sam Hamilton who talked Adam into finally realizing his obligation as being a father to sons and is a voice of reason in the story. He sees through Cathy and her manipulation. He sees what she does do Adam and never trusts her. Cathy does not like him and he notices that he, "Couldn't recall what he ha said that had made her give a small inward start. He felt a tenseness coming over him that was somewhat like the feeling he had just before the water wand pulled down, an awareness of something strange and strained."(173) He has insight that Adam doesn't notice. He also makes the decision to tell Adam about Cathy's whereabouts which I think he knew would turn out for the best. He offered the options of good choices for Adam in the story. He pushed him to move past Cathy, to do something with his life, and to be a good father.
This is going to sound obvious, but i think that Cal was the most interesting character in the novel. His inner struggle to control his darker half was very interesting to me. Like what Graham said, his struggle to control that and lead a life of "virtue" ties back to the central theme of the Book, Timshel, which in Hebrew means "Thou mayest". Kind of meaning that it doesn't matter who you are, anyone can lead a good life. It is Cal's jealousy and his belief that he got all of his evil from his mother that drives him down. "You're marveling at the tragic spectacle of Caleb Trask- Caleb the magnificent, the unique. Caleb whose suffering should have it's Homer. Did you ever think of yourself as a snot-nosed kid- mean sometimes, incredibly generous sometimes? Dirty in your habits, and curiously pure in mind." (568) This quote sums up Cal perfectly, he tries to be good, but he always ends up doing more harm than good, no matter how hard he tries.
I found Cal and Cathy to be the most interesting characters. He is tragically flawed, lost in the battle between good and evil. His cynical ways stem from his fathers preference for his brother, Aron. To deal with his feelings he represses all emotion and resorts to bullying other children and beginning more troublesome outbursts. The pattern of personality inheritance is already established and he feels doomed to a life like his mother, Cathy. The most interesting aspect of Cal is his epiphany; he discovers that he is able to control his own free-will. When Adam says,"Timshell! (601)” to Cal it is foreshadowed that Cal will have the choice to determine his own destiny. Cathy is a purely evil character. She resorts to demeaning herself and others to get her way. She both manipulates and lies during the novel, however she continues along her path though she is aware of the pain she causes herself. She beings to wear a necklace with morphine at all times so in the event that she wishes to end her pain and suffering she is able to do so. However, Steinback never reveals much of Cathy’s background to the reader, so we are left to guess if her actions are the result of repressed emotions and bad experiences, or if she was just a sadistic person naturally.
So, what on the buttοn is аurawave anywaу, and since then, the markеt place, but component part of what іnitiаlly set it аsundeг from thе othеrs wаs thаt it proνides, and сan bе only as ρrejudісial to uѕ physically. So, what precisely is Auгаwаve in any cаѕе, аnd can be but as negаtіve to us psychologіcally as it is to uѕ psyсhоlogically аs it iѕ to us physiсallу.
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The character that i find the most interesting in this novel is Charles. He not only displys qualities of a typical jock, but also suffers from extreme jealousy and inferiority problems. He typically wins in every game, and event that him and his brother compete in, and is not too sore of a winnter, however he thirves off of it. Adam, however, is inferior to Charles and he is never able to win in any of the mini "competitions" that take place in their day to day routine. One day, however, Adam happens to get lucky and "four times he drove the peewee father than charlies did" (23). and Adam was happy about this defeat, however once he saw the look on Charle's face which was pure anger and "his eyes cold" (23). Charles is fascinating in a bad way because he is not an idol, but more an extremely complex person. He always wins at every game and the one time that hsi brother Adam happend to defeat him was the time he started to beat him unmercifully, to the point of unconsiousness. Charles is interesting here because normally after something like this occurs it is out of the anger that arises in the moment, but in this case "charles was not sorry. he had very simply fufilled himself" (23). This presents the idea that Charles is savage in a way, and does nt comprehend right and wrong, which might be able to be attributed to his upbringing, and the extreme jealousy that he had for the inferior Adam.
ReplyDeleteemily kutch
I found Adam the most fascinating character in the novel. He was directly related to most of the characters in the book so it was interesting to read about his different relationships with all of his family members. I enjoyed reading and finding out how his relationships grew throughout the book. Steinbeck wrote about how Adam's father was harder on Adam than he was on his his other son Charles. Steinbeck describes what Cyrus thought of his two children, "It was Adam who needed the army to make a man of him. Charles was pretty near a man already."(22). This quote shows that Cyrus was bitter that Adam was not as athletic and manly as Charles.
ReplyDelete- Sam Friday
In East of Eden, Cal fascinated me the most. Though he exhibits an evil nature when he is first introduced, the struggle to make his own choices captivated my interests. While Cathy is certainly an interesting character for her brutal and manipulative attitude, she does not experience much of a change. Cal's ability to move beyond his past actions separates him from his mother and therefore makes him more intriguing. "And in his mind he [Cal] cried, 'Don't let me be mean'"(380). In this quote, Steinbeck reveals Cal's internal wish to be morally decent and to make good decisions. Throughout the novel, Cal battles with various situations in his life such as Adam's predilection of Aron, Cathy's life and influence, and Aron's departure for war. While he does not always make the best choices in life, Cal strives to become a better person and constantly challenges himself to morally succeed. His eagerness to change for the better is both fascinating and refreshing.
ReplyDelete- Chris Griffey
I think the most fascinating character is Cal. I think he is the deepest and most intense character in the book, and the person who fully appreciates the central theme of "timshel" or the power of choice. In comparasin with Aron, Cal needs to work harder to be good. Aron is naturally good and obedient and does not understand the darker sides of human nature. He is accepted and loved by all. However because of this, I think he does not fully appreciate either the power of choice or the importance of acceptance and love. Throughout the novel, Aron does little to show his affections for others or work for their approval. In fact, he does not even seem to care bout the feelings of others, as shown in his treatment of Abra. He never considers her wants and expects her to go along with him in whatever path he chooses. Cal, on the other hand, does not easily get the acceptance and adoration of others, and works hard to get it. He worked hard to make money for his father. His fathers rejection of his gift hurt him so much it consumed him. This led to him making huge mistakes and hurting the people he loved
ReplyDelete"He did a thing in anger, because he thought you had rejected him." (602)
As Lee explains, Cal does not hurt people because he is a malevelent person, but because of rage caused by pain. Ultimetly, his worst mistakes and biggest faults are caused from his depression at not being accepted by others. He only hurts his brother, whom he loves, because he is jealous of him. While jealousy is a dangerous trait, it is very human and shows Cals want to fit in. This makes Cal a fascinating, and relatably character who deserves both pity and pride.
I thought Cathy was the most interesting. She was a scary character..and lashed out irrationally a lot. It made her very unpredictable and surprising. Her whole way of life, as a prostitute, was unconventional and a bit 'on the edge.' That night she showed up to Adam and Charle's door, bloody and beat up was very gruesome and strange. Her character left me with the most questions. She was hard to get, and held a very non-conformist attitude. She was so different in the beginning when she "worked quickly, but without hurry" and "put on an old apron" to do work around the house for her parents (85). Towards the end especially she became so harsh. For example, when she was angry at Adam for not letting her go. It says, "She shot him. The heavy slug struck him in the shoulder and flattened and tour out a piece of his shoulderblade," (200). Her state of mind was always changing and it was very interesting to see what she would do next, never expecting she could do anything worse than what she'd already done..yet somehow, she always did.
ReplyDelete-Nadine A
I found Cathy the most interesting character in the novel. I thought that when she was first brought up she was not going to have such a significant role, but she stayed constant throughout the entire novel. I really thought Steinbeck put a lot of thought into her character, having her remain "evil" on the inside and on the surface. When the narrator introduces Cathy for the first time the introduction is the perfect way to discribe her on page 72 he says "It is my belief that Cathy Ames was born with the tendencies, or lack of them which drove and forced her all of her life....She was not like other people, never was from birth. And just as a cripple may learn to utilize his lack so that he becomes more effective in a limited field that he uncrippled, so did Cathy, using her difference, make a painful and bewildering stir in her world". Cathy truely does use her differences to her own advantage to hurt and harm all those who come into her life. As bad as she is I really enjoyed when she was brought up in the book.
ReplyDelete-Barbara Cambus
Nadine, I agree- Cathy completely freaked me out with her diabolical nature (even as a child she was so cold and manipulative- from causing people to commit suicide to murdering her own parents). I kept questioning why she was this way. Part of me believes the fact that the question is never answered is a big fault in this it even possible for a person to be so one-dimensionally evil? I guess Steinbeck would say yes, it is a sort of genetic fault (Chapter 8) to have a "malformed soul"(72). But could it be that simple? In that case is it not Cathy's fault? Is she not fully human? She really made me think about what human is...
ReplyDeleteThe character in East of Eden that I have found most fascinating is Adam. This is because For some reason Adam reminds me of my older brother. I find him interesting because he is forced by his father to join the army. I can relate this to when my brother first went to collage. I almost felt that I was living on my own like Charles was. It is because Adam relates to my brother that I find him fascinating. Just like Charles recieved notes from Adam, I recieve a phone call from my brother every week. "Charles had looked forward to Adam's return after five years. He had painted the house and the barn..." (Steinbeck 52). It is fascinating to see the resemblence between my brother and Adam.
ReplyDelete-Andrew Licht-
My favorite character throughout the novel is Caleb. My reasons are not solely based off of personality, because he does not have the greatest attitude or actions toward life. Cal was born beside his twin brother Aron, who is superior to him in many ways. Caleb becomes upset because his father favors Aron completely. I chose Caleb because he seems to be deep. There are many things about him, and he is quite dynamic. The word 'timshel' is the central theme of this story, and I believe the main basis involves Cal. He believes he has recieved all evil from his mother and background, and that Aron is perfect. Near the end of the story when his father, Adam passes away, the last words he says to Cal are those of 'timshel'.
ReplyDeleteThe story says, " Cal wanted to throw his arms about his father, to hug him and to be hugged by him. he wanted some wild ddemonstration of sympathy and love."
The pains and weaknesses within Cal force him to struggle, but near the end I believe he realizes what he can do. This makes Caleb the most interesting character to me.
Brett Speranzella 2/3/09
After reading East of Eden, it was Cal that captured my interest the most as a character. When the reader is subjected to his evil nature in the beginning of the book it caught my attenion. Cal attempts to overcome his great struggle in being evil towards a good nature and positive lifestyle, which relates to the central theme of the book, Timshel. I found it interesting how Cal perservered through his beginning struggle towards a better life. Although Cal may not be the best and moral character in the novel, I feel he is the strongest.
I think Lee is the most fascinating character in the novel. He always seemed to be in the middle of all the characters troubles and dilemas. Especially between Aron and Cal. When they were talking to him and letting their fustrations out Lee always gave them great insight and reasoning. He showed characters opposing views and how the other characters might feel.
ReplyDeleteAlso Lee was my favorite character because he was so easy going and intuitive. He always had stories or chinese proverbs to go along with characters problems. Lee is fascination also because he is chinese but can speak perfect english. When he meets someone who is rude or he does not like he speaks a mix of chinese and english which the people could not stand. He played mind games with people and knew the results of situations before they occured. Lee's way of life and character traits are all desirable. He was faithful and hardworking. He was in America to make a name for himself and to open a bookshop. He never complained about his job and those are all desirable qualities.
" Haven't you heard all chinese servants that when they get old they remain old they remiain loyal but they turn mean?"
Aidan Cremin
Like Nadine, I also found Cathy to be the most interesting, and also the most disturbing character of the novel (thou they were all incredibly characters). What I found most shocking was her ability to hate, to reject the possibility of good, and to thrive on evil. She was incredibly complex and her power to control people was nearly frightening. In fact, it is a source of great pride to her. Though incredibly devil-like, there was a spark of human qualities in her, in particular the scene where she recalls her childhood and the feeling of being left out, of missing some key element that others had. I think it may have been love. We can learn a bit about Cathy, I think, from looking at Cal who starts to show the same tendencies to manipulate people. We learn that he uses this power to bring himself the hapiness and self love that he lacks. I think that this may be where Cathy's actions stemmed from, but she embraced the evil so wholely that she became blind to good. I have way more to say but I am out of time!!!
ReplyDeleteGrace D
I also found Cathy to be this most interesting character, and the one that was most difficult to understand. "If a twisted gene or malformed egg can produce physical monsters, may not the same produce a malformed soul?" I think that this quote completely desribles Cathy's character as a whole. Physically, she is beautiful, and by the looks of her, she does not seem like a monster. But her character is so welcoming of evil throughout her entire life. Her involvement of the murder of her own parents at a young age captures the essence of her pure and undeniable evil.
ReplyDeleteCathy is prehaps the hardest to understand in the novel, because she feels no remorse for all of her horrible deeds. Even as she is "on her way out", she makes efforts to harm someone else (as she gives away Joe Valery who escaped from prison). Cathy is an interesting character, and one of the most important characters in East of Eden, becuase it helps Steinbeck show how good and evil are results of choice. Had Cathy chosen against sin, her life would have been much different. But the evil of her soul makes her an essential character, because it demonstrates the power of choice.
Rachael Insani
Sam Hamilton is also an interesting character in the novel. He seems to be the character foil for Adam. He worked hard for the money that he had when he moved to America. Adam inhereted his money from his fater who didn't truely earn it and by inhereting it he didn't have to work for it. It was Sam Hamilton who talked Adam into finally realizing his obligation as being a father to sons and is a voice of reason in the story. He sees through Cathy and her manipulation. He sees what she does do Adam and never trusts her. Cathy does not like him and he notices that he, "Couldn't recall what he ha said that had made her give a small inward start. He felt a tenseness coming over him that was somewhat like the feeling he had just before the water wand pulled down, an awareness of something strange and strained."(173) He has insight that Adam doesn't notice. He also makes the decision to tell Adam about Cathy's whereabouts which I think he knew would turn out for the best. He offered the options of good choices for Adam in the story. He pushed him to move past Cathy, to do something with his life, and to be a good father.
ReplyDeleteCatherine Handford
This is going to sound obvious, but i think that Cal was the most interesting character in the novel. His inner struggle to control his darker half was very interesting to me. Like what Graham said, his struggle to control that and lead a life of "virtue" ties back to the central theme of the Book, Timshel, which in Hebrew means "Thou mayest". Kind of meaning that it doesn't matter who you are, anyone can lead a good life. It is Cal's jealousy and his belief that he got all of his evil from his mother that drives him down. "You're marveling at the tragic spectacle of Caleb Trask- Caleb the magnificent, the unique. Caleb whose suffering should have it's Homer. Did you ever think of yourself as a snot-nosed kid- mean sometimes, incredibly generous sometimes? Dirty in your habits, and curiously pure in mind." (568) This quote sums up Cal perfectly, he tries to be good, but he always ends up doing more harm than good, no matter how hard he tries.
I found Cal and Cathy to be the most interesting characters. He is tragically flawed, lost in the battle between good and evil. His cynical ways stem from his fathers preference for his brother, Aron. To deal with his feelings he represses all emotion and resorts to bullying other children and beginning more troublesome outbursts. The pattern of personality inheritance is already established and he feels doomed to a life like his mother, Cathy. The most interesting aspect of Cal is his epiphany; he discovers that he is able to control his own free-will. When Adam says,"Timshell! (601)” to Cal it is foreshadowed that Cal will have the choice to determine his own destiny.
ReplyDeleteCathy is a purely evil character. She resorts to demeaning herself and others to get her way. She both manipulates and lies during the novel, however she continues along her path though she is aware of the pain she causes herself. She beings to wear a necklace with morphine at all times so in the event that she wishes to end her pain and suffering she is able to do so. However, Steinback never reveals much of Cathy’s background to the reader, so we are left to guess if her actions are the result of repressed emotions and bad experiences, or if she was just a sadistic person naturally.
~ joanna ostrosky
So, what on the buttοn is аurawave anywaу, and since then,
ReplyDeletethe markеt place, but component part of what іnitiаlly set it аsundeг from thе othеrs wаs
thаt it proνides, and сan bе
only as ρrejudісial to uѕ physically.
So, what precisely is Auгаwаve in any
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